Monday, October 26, 2009


In Savant, Union is a collection of like minded worlds. Not much different than our United Nations. There are many other worlds who do not agree with the ideals of Union and Templus is one of them. Of all of the worlds that disagree, the Templusians is the most aggressive. They are incredible warriors, with great piloting skills. They are all telepathic. Some, like humans, have extra abilities. They are humanoids with red skin and their hair varies between shades of black, grey and white.

Savant can be found at, Barnes & Noble's online site and various other online websites.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I have spent so much time working my day job that I haven't had a lot of time to write. I think that it is having a negative effect on me. I guess I will have to admit to myself that I am a writer and when I am not doing that my life is a little unbalanced. Go figure. Oh, I have enjoyed writting this blog, but it is not the same as writing a novel. I am currently in the editing phase of another novel. I really wnat to finish editing so I can move on to my next project. But it shouldn't be rushed. I know that the editing process can make or break a novel. So in the meantime, I guess I will be patient. Work hard at whatever I put my hands to and when I get a chance to write another creative project, I wll work hard at that too.

There are several characters in Savant, who I consider very interesting and I hope that one day I will get the opportunity to show everyone just how interesting they are. So far, of the main characters, I have mentioned. Nathaniel, Angela, Kagome, Isis, and Zorn and though they represent only a small minority of the members of Union Academy, the story is centered around them. Next time I will talk about the antagonists in the book.
Savant is available at , It can also be found at ,, and

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Life's decisions

Today I will not be discussing the world of Savant. I could. It is a big world, but so is our world. I am the kind of person that is asked advice from time to time. I guess because I have done so many things at an early age. I guess I have seen a lot. In my opinion, I have seen way too much. Anyway, someone once asked me about a decision he had to make. I don't go around making decisions for people, but if they ask me for advice I am willing to give it.

In my opinion, the only way to live a life without regret is to follow your heart. But your heart can lead you astray. And my heart has led me astray, several umpteen times. But I don't have any regrets. {Eventhough, I am paying for some of those decisions now.} Because, its that world of what could have been, that drives you nuts. Plus, I realized that if you temper your heart with wisdom. Even if you have to learn it from a book, you can follow your heart with out worry. In my opinion, the best wisdom is learned at the feet of someone who has been there and done that. But I have learned a lot from books.

Long story short. If you want to have a good life, follow your heart. If you don't want your heart to lead you astray...temper it with wisdom.

Savant is available at, {Canada},

Sunday, October 11, 2009


We are talking about Datrevians today. They are aliens who look eerily like the "Roswell alien." Nathaniel's roommate, Zorn, is a Datrevian. Nathaniel has considered asking him about the similarities, but decided not to. After all, he was at an academy that was far from home...seem like the smart thing to do was to "get along" with his roommate. Causing an intergalactic incident over conspiracies probably wasn't a good idea. Zorn, like Nathaniel is special among his people. His people are special among Union world members. The Datrevians are exceptionally intelligent--even by Union standards. They are very practical and value science and discovery.
Zorn seems to accept Nathaniel immediately. The feeling is mutual. Zorn quickly becomes Nathaniel's best friend.
One of the headmasters of the academy is also Datrevian. His name is Proteus. He is Kagome's mentor. And takes a special interest in Nathaniel because of Kagome. It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that Nathaniel beat a game that Proteus designed to be unbeatable.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Lack of Sleep

In about thirty minutes, I am going to help out with the upward bound program. Why? Because I like to teach. There is something special about being a teacher. But I really don't think I would be of much use to them because I didn't get enough sleep last night. I suppose, that is my fault for always finding work to do. But I think, I could really use some sleep right about now.

One of the characters of Savant, Angela Roberts is narcoleptic. She falls asleep. A lot. That is soon cured near the beginning of the Novel, because the reason why Angela falls asleep, because she is an advanced human like Nathaniel.

So far, I have spoken of an Awkwarian and Yarian. I have yet to mention what an advanced human is. In the novel only three are mentioned. Nathaniel, Angela and Dr. Greene{Briefly}. There are more, and they live among their Earthian {Union's name for people from earth} brothers in secrecy. They have vowed to never use their abilities, to advance or repress their people. This can only be done, when the entire world has advanced far enough. Each advanced human has special abilities. The only thing they may share is high intelligence. Everything else is so random, it is hard to pinpoint how valuable a human can being to Union Forces. For instance, five-hundred years ago, the academy had one human who could turn invisible. Two-hundred years ago, the academy had a human who could heal by spreading clay over an injury. They were both very valuable to Union.

Ironically, Angela has a special ability that has obvious value to Union, while Nathaniel's ability is ill-defined at best.
I know at this point you are probably wondering what this has to do with me being sleepy. Well, one should get as much sleep as possible, because when we are sleepy...we tend to ramble.

Savant can be found at,, and

Monday, October 5, 2009


Finally got back in the saddle again. I am so happy, that I found the strength to get out of bed and go to the gym, that I decided to blog about it. I decided to do an easy workout on the treadmill. Five minute warmup. Twenty minute workout alternating between two minutes jogging and one minute walking. Five minute cool down. I was sorta/kinda taking it easy. I haven't worked out in two weeks. I can jog/plod twenty to thirty minutes non stop outside, but on a treadmill, it is too difficult. That machine is either too fast or too slow. Oh well, it is a workout nonetheless. And I need the exercise. I remember when I could eat anything and I would never gain weight.... Now, if I stare at food for too long, blam, two pounds gained. Sigh. I guess I will work out tomorrow. I stared at my food to long this morning.

My novel, Savant is available at,, and

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tough love

Forest Gump said that life is like a box of chocolote.... I don't get it. Doesn't chocolate taste good all of the time? Life is not good all of the time. I suppose there are some who hate chocolate, but the general consensus is that eating chocolate is a wonderful experience. Life is wonderful too. Seriously. I am not a cynic. But I think life can be many things. Including a loving mother. And like all good mothers, life will exercise the right to use tough love. Tough love gets a bad rap, but those of us who survive always come out a little stronger. So for those of you experiencing that tough love right now and reading this blog, remember that every mother will balance that tough love with a reward...maybe chocolate.
Anyway, I mention tough love because I promised in my last blog that I will talk about the Kagome Wu. The first person from Union Academy that Nathaniel Devereaux meets is the petite and tough Kagome Wu. She is a Yarian. Her people share many similiarities with the people of earth. There are a couple of differences, one of them is an average life span of about 1,000 years. Kagome never tells her age. She just tells the twelve year old Nathaniel that she is much older than he is. Kagome is an upperclass cadet at the academy and she is also an instructor. She is tough on Nathaniel, but only because she believes in him. Through her direct tutelage, Nathaniel {Savant} becomes a top-notch cadet.

Savant is available at,,